The Real Deal with Demand Generation Campaigns

Let’s talk about something that's changing the game in our digital neighborhood - Demand Generation campaigns on Google. These campaigns are an extended (aka a better) version of Discovery campaigns, Demand Gen Campaigns have better features in terms of Audience Targeting, Bidding Options, Placements, ad formats, and reporting.

In contrast to Lead Generation's immediate goal of gathering contact information, Demand Generation is a long-term process of fostering interest. It's about engaging in conversations that matter, providing insights and solutions without the immediate expectation of a sale.

When assessing the impact of a Demand Gen campaign, we focus on engagement quality, including search volume, impressions, reach, clicks, and conversions - telling a story of interaction, curiosity, and sales. 

Here's a little pro tip for your Demand Gen Ads: first-touch needs to include engaging videos. The first 3 to 5 seconds need to hook the user. Remarket to video viewers with carousel ads, and tell an educational story through your cards. 

Demand Gen is about moving people through the stages of awareness to purchase. Use this campaign to cultivate a sense of familiarity and trust. With the right  Demand Generation strategy, you’re not just reaching your audience; you're inviting them into a meaningful dialogue. We will not just chase a fleeting click; instead build a legacy of engagement, piece by piece. Ready to begin?